We are thrilled to be able to partner up with the following organizations to provide volleyball programs in various communities in the Foothills area and be able to donate to various schools to promote health and wellness for young athletes.  

Heritage Heights School has been our longest partnership since fall of 2019.  We have had over 500 athletes take our programs (Grassroots & Academy) from September to May and have been able to donate over $25K to the school for the purchase of new volleyball poles, nets and many various other gym equipment for the school's physical education program.

École Joe Clark School started with us late in 2021 and have been custom fitted with new volleyball poles and nets for their gym as well as $10K donation to-date for any equipment needed for students attending the school.

We were approached by Minds Matter - AHS with Foothills School Division to offer complimentary summer volleyball camps in High River, Diamond Valley and Okotoks for 2024 and we are excited for this new partnership.

For organizations that are interested in working with us to give back to the community, please contact us at:  rampagegrassroots@gmail.com with the subject heading "Partnership Interest"